Machined for all sectors

Construction and Repair of parts of all sizes.

Mandrinador Laptop

El mandrinado in situ con un mandrinador laptop es un proceso de mecanizado que se realiza directamente en el lugar donde se encuentra la pieza de trabajo, sin necesidad de desmontarla o trasladarla a un taller. 

En este proceso, se utiliza un mandrinador portátil, que consta de una estructura robusta y resistente, un motor potente, un mecanismo de avance controlado, un husillo ajustable y una herramienta de corte. 

About Us

JP Flames Machining is an expanding company specialized in services of machining located in The Hoya Lorca (Murcia). Since our foundation in the year 2012 as a co-operative Society, we have worked hard to consolidate ourselves as a leading company in the sector.

Our team of leaders has over 30 years of experience in the machining, which allows us to offer a high quality service and personalized. Our workforce is made up of experts are highly trained and experienced in the use of machinery moderna and machining tools advanced. 


Discover our wide range of services machining of high quality and accuracy, which are adapted to the specific needs of each client

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What do our customers think?

Maria Jose Sanchez Molina Client

Good torneros, better people!! Are professional, clean work and effective, in addition to the treatment, which is very close and good! Super recommended 🙂

Sergio Rubio Client

Professional head to toe

Eva Client

Very professional, very pleased with the service they have given me! Highly recommended.

Ask for your budget

Without commitment, we are here to help you in your projects.

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